When General Mills Changed Its “Legal Terms”
In April 2014, General Mills inserted an arbitration clause and class action ban in its “legal terms” on its website. After significant news coverage and a public uproar, the company removed the arbitration provisions. Below is some of the coverage.
The New Yorker, April 22, 2014, Is the General Mills decision cause for celebration?
Los Angeles Times, April 21, 2014, Cheerio maker gets bowled over
Bob Sullivan (Red Tape Chronicles), April 21, 2014, Why stop at Cheerios? Fine print is like a virus attacking consumers’ and their rights
The New York Times, April 20, 2014, General Mills Reverses Itself on Consumers’ Right to Sue
Consumerist, April 20, 2014, General Mills Thinks You’re Stupid, But Decides To Not Take Customers’ Legal Rights Away After All
MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) News, Apr 20, 2014, General Mills reverses itself on consumers’ right to sue the company
Time, April 17, 2014, Want To Give Up All Your Legal Rights? Click Here.
ABCNews, April 17, 2014, Do Companies Void Your Right to Sue After You ‘Like’ Them on Facebook?
The New York Times, April 16, 2014, When ‘Liking’ a Brand Online Voids the Right to Sue