Top-Side Amicus Briefs Filed in AT&T v. Concepcion
Readers of this blog have already heard a lot about AT&T v. Concepcion — the upcoming case in which the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether the Federal Arbitration Act preempts state-law rulings that class-action bans are unconscionable.
Today, the amicus briefs in support of AT&T are being filed. We’re posting them below and are also adding them to a new web page that we’ve created to help people follow the case. Here are the briefs filed so far:
Chamber of Commerce of United States (Roy Englert)
CTIA — The Wireless Industry Association (Paul Clement)
DRI — The Voice of the Defense Bar (Kevin Newsom)
Equal Employment Advisory Council
We are also expecting a few others briefs, from DirecTV and Ted Frank’s Center for Class Action Fairness, among others. We’ll post them as we receive them.
[Disclosure: Deepak Gupta of Public Citizen Litigation Group is lead counsel for the respondents in AT&T v. Concepcion in the Supreme Court.]