Fair Arbitration NOW Coalition Supports Arbitration Fairness Act of 2011
Yesterday, the US Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing "Arbitration: Is It Fair When Forced?" The Fair Arbitration NOW coalition sent a letter to the Committee in strong support of the Arbitration Fairness Act.
The introduction and link to the letter: "We, the undersigned organizations, strongly support the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2011(or “AFA”), S. 987, introduced in the Senate by Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.). This important legislation would end the predatory practice of forcing non-union employees and consumers to sign away their rights to legal protections and access to the courts by making pre-dispute binding mandatory arbitration (“forced arbitration”) clauses unenforceable in civil rights and employment and consumer disputes. Forced arbitration is proliferating in employment and everyday consumer contracts for products and services such as credit cards, cell phones, home construction, mortgages, student loans, health insurance policies and nursing homes…." https://fairarbitrationnow.org/sites/default/files/AFA%20Senate%20Support%20Letter%20Oct2011.pdf.