Arbitration Fairness Day Wrap-Up
Arbitration Fairness Day was a resounding success! Thanks to all of you who signed the petition, called or wrote your member of congress, and helped spread the word. S. 931, the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009, has been officially introduced in the Senate and should be on Thomas in a couple days. After the jump, check out a video of Senator Feingold’s announcement, read statements of support, and check out the polling results.
If you haven’t had the chance yet, make sure to read the statements of Jamie Leigh Jones and David Kurth – two hard-hitting reasons why we need to pass the Arbitration Fairness Act now.
Also check out the statements by Senator Feingold and Congressman Johnson, two outstanding public servants who have been invaluable allies in the fight to end forced arbitration.
For you poll junkies out there, we have the results of a national survey of likely voters on the topic of arbitration. Take a look at the memo [PDF], the slide show [PDF], and our press release. The poll found,
- Six in 10 likely voters support the Arbitration Fairness Act – including majorities of Democrats, Republicans and Independents;
- 59 percent of likely voters oppose the use of mandatory binding arbitration clauses in employment and consumer contracts;
- Two-thirds of respondents cannot remember ever reading about a forced arbitration provision buried in the fine print of employment terms or agreement for goods and services; and,
- More than 70 percent of respondents believe they could take their employer or a corporation to court in the event of a dispute, unaware they could be subjected to mandatory binding arbitration.
But we’re just getting started. Help us out by asking five friends to sign the petition!